Just try to stay out of the fray until you get a decent ship. They will head into both Paranid and Pirate space and after a battle you can scoop up crates of goodies, usually missiles. One very useful way to make money early in X3:R is to follow Argon military ships around. It's your choice whether you make some quick cash or save yourself some. on the other hand, a little further along and you will find a decent M3 which will need 25 Mj Shields. As a Humble Merchant you start fairly close to a Toucan which has two or three 25Mj Shields and they are worth a bundle. What you can do is sell the equipment that they come with. Most of them are either unique or rare variants you cannot get elsewhere (you will be able to reverse engineer them down the track when you get your own Headquarters). While it may be tempting to do so, DON'T sell the derelicts littered around the galaxy. I can make several million in TC once I get a half decent fighter.īest of luck, there's a wealth of knowledge and information on these forums, all you have to do is search.or ask In TC that got an overhaul, making dogfights far easier to handle.

I avoided combat in Reunion as I could never get used to the flight controls, even after playing X2. (Manually Operated Remote Trader) to help you make more money. Once you've made some money you can set up a M.O.R.T. it might seem boring but after a while you can identify good bargains and know what sells well and where. Other than that, all I can suggest is looking for good solid trade runs. In Reunion you have to check the individual stations BBS (Bulletin Boards) after you dock, whereas in TC you can just comm a station and see what they have available. The aforementioned taxi missions are not even half as lucrative in Reunion as they are in TC. But if you collect and sell all the ships in that list you don't want, you could end up with several million credits. Once you've got a decent fighter of your own you can go out and hunt down pirates etc. Collect a few of those and you'll have a few more ways of making money. Maddy21, if you take a look at the Ultimate Guides sticky near the top of this forum, there is a list in there of where all the 'free' ships are littered around the universe. It's also a damn sight more difficult to increase your reputation with the various races. It's far, far more difficult to make money at the start of Reunion than it is in TC.